Monday, September 26, 2011

We are all frickin dead!

If you haven't heard yet Today is the Elenin Day of doom and destruction. All the "Uber-elite" should be safely in their bunker so feel free to rampage and pilidge to your hearts content.. *sheesh. I cant even spell piladge*  Yes it is the great day of the Robert Hogland mothership which may or may not appear to be man made but undoubtedly is because he sang at a NASA function 30 years ago so he is an expert on unseen stuff striking or not striking which we can either see or not see depending upon its cloaking device...  Yes he is serious.  Run screaming for the hills sharpen your bear traps and have your phasers set on stun!!!  or you could place your faith in a loving God who transends time on a regular basis for your sorry ass.  What ever makes you happy! :)
Disclaimer: "Elenin will only get within about 21 million miles of Earth.  It is a ball of ice and dust particles, about one hundred billionth the mass of our moon.  That means its tidal pull on Earth will be equal to about one hundred trillionth of the Moon."

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