Monday, September 17, 2012

"what if everything you believed about the world was wrong?"

As you may have guessed, I am researching a book on what we commonly call: Life. Electric word life it means forever, and that's a mighty long time.... Of course I am paraphrasing from the great 20th century philosopher Prince. But seriously that's what I am working on. I have some exciting things to say so look for it sometime soon or piece it together a I remember to blog.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Views of Genesis 6 Nephilim

Fallen angels viewSatan and/or his fallen angels bred with human women and had offspring that were called Nephilim.
Fallen angels overtook men viewFallen angels and/or Satan possessed men and caused them to breed with women.
Sethite viewThe sons of God were the godly line from Adam to Seth down to Noah, and the Nephilim were fallen children who sought after false gods.
Fallen men viewGodly men (sons of God) took ungodly wives, and their descendants (Nephilim) followed after the false gods, rejected God, and fell far from God in wickedness.

Many respected Christians have commented on this topic over the years, and their work is to be highly regarded. This discussion is not to impugn their work in any way, but to build on it in iron-sharpening-iron fashion. In fact, in writing this, their research has provided great insights into what I now personally believe about the sons of God and the Nephilim, and I commend them for their work.

Antediluvian Civilizations

Antediluvian Civilizations


'''Antediluvian civilizations''' are civilizations believed to have existed before the Great flood of Noah. If the fossil record is indeed the result of the Biblical flood as described in the Bible, then it is somewhat expected for evidence of antediluvian (pre-flood) civilizations to exist. It is assumed by many that humans reached advanced stages of technological development before the flood. Such presuppositions are usually based on the Biblical genealogy, which states that ancient people lived to approximately 10 times our current life span.  Also it is frequently mentioned that Adam and Eve would likely possess higher than normal intelligence since they were created as adults, with knowledge that subsequent humans obtain from their parents. Another theory states that the antediluvian race called the Nephilim was superior to other humans in this respect.

All accounts of the Great flood from civilizations around the world indicate that there were civilizations before the flood. However, as a result of the destruction during the flood and the passage of time, the remaining evidence is scanty. As a result of the flood, the earth was covered in hundreds of feet of sediment, and very little of the antediluvian horizon has been exposed. It is also problematic that the scientific community is quick to dismiss any artifacts that dispute their presupposed interpretation of the fossil record. Nevertheless, any truly advanced civilization would have left durable traces or constructions that would likely surface during excavations or by erosion. Relatively insightful accounts can be drawn from the Bible, apocrypha, and ancient Babylonian and Greek accounts of antediluvian civilization. Lets examine whether it is really logical to expect monuments such as the pyramids or better from the civilizations that lived before the flood?

Longevity and the Written Word

Our technological development has only occurred as a result of an ability to store and access large quantities of preexisting data. The knowledge possessed by any one person or even a hundred is insignificant in comparison to the libraries of previous learning that have now been obtained, and without which advancement to our level would not have happened. These libraries of knowledge did not begin to develop until the written word was invented, and no archaeological evidence of even the most primitive forms of writing have been discovered earlier than ancient Babylon which followed the tower of Babel.  Even several hundred years later, during the time of the Egyptians, only hieroglyphics were in use.

Who wrote first
The development of symbolic language seemingly coincides with the decline in human longevity. Perhaps it was the shortened human lifespan that caused people to feel the need to write down their experiences or what had been learned. There had become a sense of urgency to preserve ones essence in some permanent form. It may have been this reduction in life expectancy more than anything else that induced the formation of the written word and ultimately the technological achievements we have made. Back when people lived to be 1000 years of age there was little need to archive knowledge. Most people would prefer to talk rather than write letters. If we could still talk to Galileo or Sir Isaac Newton, why would they bother to write down what they could more quickly say?

Implications of the Tower of Babel

 We can not dispute the existence of atypical knowledge possessed by Adam and Eve, however, we should also consider the tower of Babel curse as it relates to human accomplishments to that date. Monumental constructions are a great source of pride for humans. Man was attempting to make himself equal to God. It was most likely this type of technological development that God attempted to retard by creating the language barriers at the tower of Babel.

The Babel event suggests that the tower was the first major monument that mankind had ever built.We have no idea what it was composed of or how it was built.

Why do Men Construct Buildings?

Most people are puzzled why antediluvian buildings have not been found. After all the construction of cities is clearly referred to in the Bible.

Genesis 4:17  And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

The construction of dwelling space is driven almost exclusively by our need to shelter ourselves from the weather. Prior to the flood, the atmosphere is thought to have been much more stable than it is today, providing an almost globally uniform temperature. It is believed that there were no dramatic seasonal temperature fluctuations, or even significant differences in temperature between the polar and equatorial regions. This is evident by the discovery of fossilized ferns and amphibians on Antarctica. It is also believed that it had not rained prior to the flood, but the earth was instead watered by free-flowing springs and mist. Given that this type of perfect environment likely existed before the flood, it might be better to ask why people would build houses if they needed no shelter from the elements? One answer would be: to protect ourselves from wild animals and other humans. The earth was a violent place before the flood.

Genesis 6:5  And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Nevertheless, any constructions during this period were likely made of wood or dried mud. These materials are simply not expected to stand up well under catastrophic flood conditions. Even baked clay will dissolve if saturated for prolonged periods. This type of material has historically only been used to extremely arid regions for this reason.  If they did not need to build shelters from the weather, and had never built a monument before the tower of Babel, what would we expect to find? Perhaps some protective fencing or walls might still remain if they could have survived a raging onslaught greater than the dam breech that hollowed-out the Grand Canyon. There may also be some clothing made of animal skins or stone tools, but no reason to expect anything more significant. Given the presuppositions of evolutionists and the certainty of their belief, any trace evidence of a antediluvian civilizations would likely be dismissed outright and we would never hear about it.

by Chris W. Ashcraft

Creationist Perspectives on Antediluvian (Pre-flood) Civilizations

Ancient Atomic Knowledge? by Ooparts & Ancient High Technology - Evidence of Noah's Flood
Ancient civilizations and modern man by David Criswell. Creation Magazine Vol. 17 Issue 2
Currents of conspiracy
History, Pre-History, Archaeology, and Evolution News Archive
Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo @
Fossilized Human Finger by
Preflood Traditions The Weakness of John Pilkey's Origin of the Nations by Roy L. Hales
Signs of Ancient City off Cuba 2/01/01
The mystery of ancient man by Steve Cardno. Creation Magazine Vol. 20 Issue 2
The Riddle of the Ooparts by Charles Scott Kimball
Underwater Cities; Noah's Flood Proof? by Ooparts & Ancient High Technology - Evidence of Noah's Flood

Antediluvian Artifacts

Bell in Coal by Genesis Park
Cretaceous Hammer by Genesis Park
Forbidden Archaeology by
Forbidden Archaeology (book review) by Genesis Park
Odd Things in Wrong Places from Time Upside Down by Erich von Fange
Oddities in the Rocks : From The Nikos File by Michaela Magi Griffiths
Pot Found in Coal by Creation Truth Ministries
Remains in Coal and Rock by Pathlights
The Iron Cup in Coal by Creation Evidences Museum

Secular References / News

Ancient Undersea Walls Discovered off Penghu Taipei Times 11/26/02
Another Underwater City in India 10/24/02
Atlantis Link Database
City Under the Sea 12/01/03 - a spectacular underwater archaeological find by a joint British-Indian diving team that could rewrite history.
Mysteries Fact or Fiction
Mysterious finds, million-year-old Pravda.RU 9/13/02 Gold / silver alloy hair found in Antarctica ice cores.
Northern sea baffles archaeologists - PRAVDA.Ru 3/11/04 Remains of an ancient civilization discovered in the depths of the Northern sea.
Tamil Nadu´s Ancient Cities May Predate Mesopotamian Civilization - INDOlink - News - 1/5/03
Underwater Temple Discovered 12/31/01

Who Were the Nephilim?

The Nephilim (HebrewנפליםNefilīm) were a race that came to dominate the antediluvian (pre-flood) world, and are referred to in the Bible as the heroes of old, men of renown. They were reportedly the children born to the "Sons of God" by the "daughters of men", and are described as giants. It is also most important to note that they are mentioned almost simultaneous to God's statement that He would destroy the earth by flood, and it seems from this association that their effect upon mankind was one of the primary justifications that brought the destruction.
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them." - Genesis 6:1-7 (NIV)
"Nephilim" is rendered fallen, or possibly feller: a tyrant or bully. Several English translations, such as the King James Version rendered the word "giants". In the Greek Septuagint the word "nephilim" was also translated as "gigantes" (gigantic). This translation is undoubtedly used because the Nephilim later became known as giants to the ancient Hebrews, as illustrated by the manner in which they were referenced when the Israelite spies were sent into Canaan (Numbers 13:33 ).

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Station A" back on the air after 30 years!

Fred Moss is probably the 1980s most under rated guitar phenom! If you were lucky enough to catch them in their "heyday" 1982-1987 Station A was in a word electrifying. Singer and Bass player Andy Pearce dropped off the radar. Fred Moss went off to play with "Steppenwolf" Bill, Jeff and Garth went off to be real adults. About a year ago Fred and Andy re-connected and started writing and recording together again. Fred is in Baltimore MD as an instructor at the musicians institute and first call session player with some of the New York jazz worlds luminaries. Andy Pearce has had a somewhat prolific solo career releasing albums and writing scores for independent film. His most noteworthy project was writing songs with Gary McGrath for the McGrath Project's Gold disc released in 2008. The new record by Andy and Fred: "Songs from Station A" for Dirty Rotten Sinner Music, features four staples of their 1980s live shows: "seeing is believing", "Alight", and a rare early version of "Can't Stand Loosing you". The standout of course being the Moss penned "I'm not ready". The disc closes with Fred and Andy on a couple of new numbers which belay a more mature duo. Highly recommend adding this to your "must have" 1980s play list! Tower Records and ITunes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Top ten Netflix deep cuts!

Top ten Netflix instant viewing "deep cuts" or movies you may not think of on your own!

1. Apparitions
This is a great British series about an exorcist. I really enjoyed this series as it took the Catholic Faith seriously. There were plot twists I didn't expect. Be advised this is for mature audiences! R-18+

2. You are gonna miss me when I am gone.
If you don't know who Rocki Ericson is, or have never heard of the 13th floor elevators, you are probably in good company. This is a very influential Texas Band that went a little too far, a little too fast. There are so many surprises in this documentary it almost seemed like a no budget mockumentary with a great script. But no it actually happened. These guys were influential in ZZTop, to the extent that Billy Gibbons wrote the song "99th floor elevator" as an homage when he was in the "Moving Sidewalks".. Watch and wonder!

3. Torchwood
British show again.. If you like the xfiles and/or Dr. Who; Just watch it.

A no budget movie that is just amazing.. Scifi that relies on story instead of effects! What a concept.

5. House of the Rising Sun.
Good film! If you read Chuck Hustmyre's magnum opus, (44 magnum opus) the first thing you will notice is that New Orleans looks a lot like Michigan. There are numerous differences to the moe that hurt the story. I don't understand the need of directors to fix stuff that ain't broke!

6. Day of Wrath
This film will keep you guessing till the very end.. Christopher Lamber turns in his best performance since "Highlander". But please understand this is a murder mystery.

7. The Color of Magic
Ok you can let the kids back in the room now! This is a great fantasy based on the rim world novels. Very fun if you are a fan of dry humor.

8. The Hogfather
We are back in rim world but now it is Christmas. But since we are on rim world it is called "Hogswatch". Someone is trying to kill the Hogfather and it's Death to the reascue?

9. The Stones in Exile
Once upon a time there was a band called the Rolling Stones and they made too much money and the government wanted to take it all so they left and went to France, then France wanted to take their money so they went to the last tax safe haven... The United States?!

10. The Crossroads Festival
Eric Clapton allows us to see for ourselves the evolution of slide guitar as performed by all of the living masters! Watch it! All of it!!