Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sometime After signs with Adonai records

Sometime After was in rare form this month!

Gonzalo Gonzo Rincon- Vocals
Alex Rincon - Guitar
Andy Weaver - Drums
Paul Woolsey - Bass
Starting off at the Traffick 911 Festival! Alex Rincon, Andy Weaver, Andy Pearce and Gonzo Rincon played to a standing room only crowd. The crowed never left its feat during the entire 34 minutes they played. Alex and Gonzo finished the event with a special and emotional version of "MAKE US ONE" for the Hailey Dunn Prayer Vigil! Please keep her and her family in your prayers!
Then the boys entered the studio with studio great Jon Meyer . Original Drummer David Bowen now touring with Cody Canaday dropped by to say hi.
He will be featured on some songs from the album coming out in May/June 2011.
They then rounded out the month with a couple of gigs with new bassman Paul Woolsey and had the pleasure to have a TRUE legend at the gig! The Rev. Cadillac Johnson! A great true spirit!

Jiovanni Needs some love...?

Jiovanni Needs some love...?
Please help our pal Jiovanni. Download his song "Reclaiming My Smile" and be blessed by his God given talent. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Arlington lawmaker's bill would protect questioners of evolution

Posted Thursday, Mar. 17, 201133 Comments PrintShare ShareReprints
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An Arlington lawmaker has filed a bill aimed at protecting Texas college professors and students from discrimination because they question evolution.
The measure from Republican state Rep. Bill Zedler would block higher education institutions from discriminating against or penalizing teachers or students based on their research into intelligent design or other theories that disagree with evolution.
Zedler said he filed the bill because of cases in which colleges had been hostile to those who believe that certain features of life-forms are so complex that they must have originated from a higher power.
"We can have the academic freedom to have all kinds of ideas and philosophies but, lo and behold, even mention intelligent design and there are people that want to run you out of town on a rail," Zedler said.
Zedler said fear of workplace discrimination is preventing evolution critics in colleges from speaking their minds.
"I do believe there are people that want to say something but ... they're afraid to because there are people around the country that have been discriminated against," Zedler said.
Kathy Miller, president of the Texas Freedom Network, a watchdog group that opposes religious influence in public education, described the bill as an effort to push an ideological agenda into colleges by suggesting that intelligent design theorists are subject to persecution.
"It's kind of a broad and cynical strategy to undermine sound science at a time when our state and nation's economy depends on science to thrive," Miller said.
In January, the University of Kentucky paid $125,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit with Martin Gaskell, an astronomy professor who claimed that he was passed over for an observatory director job in part because of statements he made that were perceived as critical of evolution.
Gaskell, who recently worked in the University of Texas at Austin's astronomy program, wrote in an e-mail Thursday that he is now an astrophysics professor at Valparaiso University in Chile. Although he doesn't study intelligent design, he said those who do deserve to be protected.
"I think that it is important that the state of Texas stands firmly behind academic freedom," Gaskell said.
Aman Batheja, 817-390-7695

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All about the Cloud.

MARCH 17, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

State Texas Amendment to Voter ID Bill

"Hopefully, they'll support the amendment that requires the check of citizenship status for new applicants as well (Van Taylor is offering it from the floor; Call your Representatives to support BOTH. And, if for some reason, Straus does NOT allow the amendment to be brought from the floor, then be sure to mark it as a black mark for EVERY state rep that supported Straus in Caucus!"

Rep. Van Taylor to Offer Amendment to Voter ID Bill
Amendment enforces citizenship eligibility standards for voter registration applicants
AUSTIN – Today Representative Van Taylor (R-Plano) announced that he will file an amendment to Senate Bill 14, which will institute a one-time verification  of identification and citizenship requirement to the voter registration application system. The process outlined in the amendment will allow new applicants to provide proof of citizenship through a variety of documents either in person or by fax, email, or mail. Residents currently registered to vote will have their citizenship verified through a database currently maintained by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. If citizenship or identity is not verifiable, the application will receive notice that they are on a list of suspended applications until identification and citizenship is provided. This amendment closely follows a program implemented in Georgia and approved by the Justice Department last year. (See the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article: 
"We need to stop voter fraud before election day,” said Representative Taylor.  "The Fifteenth Amendment guarantees our right to vote and voter registration fraud diminishes our democratic process. Verifying identity and citizenship will go a long way to preventing voter fraud before ballots are cast - when it is too late to rectify. The outrageous revelations of widespread registration fraud in Harris County last year makes this common sense measure urgently necessary."
The amendment mandates that the Secretary of State shall verify citizenship of applicants attempting to register to vote for the first time using theTexas Department of Public Safety (DPS) database or other available databases. If the Secretary cannot verify that an applicant is a citizen, the applicant is placed on a list of voters requiring proof of citizenship. The Secretary of State will create notification procedures to notify an applicant of the requirement to provide proof of citizenship. The applicant then has 90 days to provide proof of citizenship by submitting to the voter registrar by mail, electronic scan, fax, or in person. If an applicant does not provide proof of citizenship within 90 days, the applicant will be placed on a list of people ineligible to vote until proof of citizenship is provided. A voter placed on this list will still be eligible to vote if the person provides proof of identity and citizenship at the polling place.
altProof of Citizenship can be verified by providing:
1.      Passport - unexpired or expired or a copy
2.      Birth certificate along with a government issued photo ID - original or copy
3.      Certificate of naturalization (or copy) along with a government issued photo ID (or copy)
Once citizenship is established the applicant will be permanently listed as a citizen for voter registration purposes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


How does Silver ever Fall?
By Andy Pearce

Defining Terms
Only physical silver is silver. Physical silver is not something that is not made of silver. Physical silver is easy to tell because it is made entirely of silver. Most people with an MBA will find this hard to believe. Most people without an MBA are reading this and saying: “Well, duh!”  E.T.F.’s.  Electronically Traded Futures.  That is not silver. It is electronic. It is traded, but it has no future.  A silver futures contract is a contract to buy or sell a specific weight of silver at a designated time in future, at an agreed price defined at the time the contract is entered.
Silver futures contracts were originally designed to protect large industrial users of the precious metal from adverse price swings by enabling them to obtain or supply a steady quantity of silver at established prices in order that their respective businesses will be able to make a profit.  Now they are used to fleece the small investor and drive the price of silver down by flooding the market with the promise of silver, which does not exist.

Year Silver price (yearly avg.)
US$ per ounce Gold price (yearly avg.)
US$ per ounce Gold/silver
1840 1.29 20 15.5
1900 0.64 20 31.9
1920 0.65 20 31.6
1940 0.34 33 97.3
1960 0.91 35 38.6
1970 1.63 35 22.0
1980 16.39 612 37.4
1990 4.06 383 94.3
2000 4.95 279 56.4
2005 7.31 444 60.8
2009 14.67 972 66.3
2010 20.19 1225 60.7
2011 (28th Feb) 33.49 1411 42.1

How does the price of silver fall?
It does not.
While there can be micro changes within a certain range, we cannot again get to $5.00 silver without the economy imploding and a new currency being created. Really, I recently asked a mathematician who was skeptical of my claim to do the math and tell me how we keep the current economic model and lower the price of precious metals.  My skeptical friend became less skeptical.

Adjusting This Template
I still just don’t think silver investment is for me.
Ok. I am not responsible for you.  Read “the Five Thousand Year Leap”.  Don’t even read anything but the forward.
If you require documentation just Google Silver and investing. You can find all this information for yourself.
From 1973 the Hunt brothers began cornering the market in silver, helping to cause a spike in 1980 of $49.45 per troy ounce and a reduction of the gold/silver ratio down to 1:17.0 (gold also peaked in 1980, at $850 per troy ounce).
In the last nine months of 1979, the brothers were estimated to be holding over 100 million troy ounces of silver and several large silver futures contracts. However, a combination of changed trading rules on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the intervention of the Federal Reserve put an end to the game.
In 1997, Warren Buffett purchased 130 million troy ounces (4,000 metric tons) of silver at approximately $4.50 per troy ounce (total value $585 million). On May 6, 2006, Buffett announced to shareholders that his company no longer held any silver.
In April 2006, iShares launched a silver exchange-traded fund, called the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV), which as of November 2010 held 344 million troy ounces of silver as reserves.
In April 2007, Commitments of Traders Report revealed that four or fewer traders held 90% of all short silver futures contracts totaling 245 million troy ounces, which is equivalent to 140 days of production. According to Ted Butler, one of these banks with large silver shorts, JPMorgan Chase, is also the custodian of the SLV silver ETF. Some silver analysis have pointed to a potential conflict of interest, as close scrutiny of Comex documents reveals that ETF shares may be used to "cover" Comex physical metal deliveries. This led analysts to speculate that some stores of silver have multiple claims upon them. On 25 September 2008 the CFTC relented and probed the silver market after persistent complaints of foul play. On September 1, 2010, Bloomberg reported that JPMorgan Chase would be closing their Proprietary Trading Desk.

Final Note
If you are anything like me, most of this sounds like: “Blah blah blah blah Money, Blah blah blah Silver, blah blah blah.” I don’t sell silver. I don’t make a living from investments or commodities.  I just think that people should be allowed to make a fair informed decision about reality.  Don’t like reality… Change it! Please.  I want silver at $4.00 an ounce. Because at $4.00 an ounce we are a strong nation and free once again.